In this post I discuss why I feel that nature has such an important role to play in our lives. Multi-faceted, inspirational and necessary.
My first question when writing this entry was to ask myself which category on the website I should place it in. I decided that it would easily fit into four of them. Spiritual, creativity, travel and health. This did not surprise me as I am well aware that all aspects of our lives intermingle in numerous ways. I am all for that as it can actually make one's life easier. It has been said many times and by many people, that if you find your passion you will never work another day in your life. It will just not seem like work.
But I apologise for digressing as this post is not being put in the 'work' category.
The fact that nature can underpin so many aspects of life is my reason for the post's title. For me, nature really is nurture. 'I cannot live without it.'
My reasons why...
Nature and the spiritual
From the dawn of time the natural world has been interlinked with mankind. Learn and interact with it or die. As well as providing us with the basic necessities of food, water and shelter it has also provided a deep spiritual connection too. For some, this may not resonate, but for many I know that it does.
I was once speaking with a good friend of mine who noticed that I spent a lot of time walking on my own in nature. I told him that it was one of my favourite things and that he should try it. Later on that week we had another chat. I asked him if he had tried it and he told me that he had. I was then surprised by his next response as he implied that the experience was a little dangerous. I asked him 'why?' to which he replied. ' You start thinking about your life and things.'
That sums it up for me. Nature helps you reflect on things and I know from experience, that some people shy away from this.
To look inside, was for me, the first step on my spiritual journey. However, it is difficult to do when we are constantly busy. I am just grateful that I took that step, many many moons ago. For myself, nature provides sanctuary and connection. A haven for getting to know myself as well as making me feel linked to something so much bigger. I am a firm believer that we are all individuals and that we all find our own way to the light. Everyone's path is different and equally valid. For me nature plays a big part in it.
Nature and creativity
The wonders of the natural world inspire so many people whether it be through art, poetry, music and more. One only has to think of Vivaldi's four seasons. For me this has often been the case . The very act of being out in nature can quiet my mind and let other things in. Mostly song lyrics and poetry. It is nature that often ignites the 'Awen' in me. This is a welsh word which I am sure I will address in other posts. There is no english equivalent but it basically means 'poetic inspiration'. When it occurs things can happen quickly.
It is so important to have some form of creative outlet and it is not limited to the arts. Any form of creativity is intrinsically valuable as it is a part of being human. Sadly, I have known many people repress this because they are worried about what other people think and whether it will appeal to them. Small children have no problem with being creative and exploring and allowing themselves to play. We can learn a lot from the little people.
Nature and travel
For me personally, travelling mainly requires a good view. Whether it be walking or driving. In fact, most of my holidays have involved both. Over the past quarter of a century I have travelled extensively in my home country of Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Plus, I live in England. As a result, I have seen very many amazing views. Woods and streams, mountains and rivers and plenty of sea. Add wildlife to the picture and travelling gets even better.
Pilgrimage has also played an important part when choosing destinations and the natural world has been an important part of that too. Just check out Dinas Emrys and you will understand.
Having said all this, in my experience, one does not always have to go too far to find some solace in nature. Any dog walker can tell you that.
It is a beautiful world out there!
Nature and health
10,000 steps a day apparently! The minimum I should be doing for my age.
I must admit I do not always manage to achieve this target.. On the days that I do it is because I went out for a ramble. On holidays I can exceed the amount easily and always feel fitter when I come back. So there must be something in it. Thank the gods for the local wildlife reserves as they give me a good excuse to walk when I have the time.
There are also the benefits of calm and wonder that a good stroll can bring and that has to be beneficial.
Nature and wonder
Five of my favourite animal encounters in nature
The roe deer stag that jumped over my shoulder while I was sitting with my back to the tree line in the countryside near Bath. Awesome!
While walking in Glencoe, Scotland I noticed the ground was moving. Hundreds and hundreds of baby toads (or maybe frogs). So cute!
A shoal of small fish that jumped out of the sea onto the tiny bit of sand on which I was standing near Dingle, Ireland. Mesmerizing!
Sitting under a favourite tree at dusk and counting out the twenty three bats that were off in search of a meal. A privilege!
The very accommodating golden eagle who perched right on the telegraph pole near where I was parked on an amazing road in Scotland. What can I say? !!!
The unexpectedness of the above encounters is probably the main attraction of nature as far as I am concerned. Moments you will never forget and that put you at one with the Universe.
Maybe you have had some memorable moments in nature that you would like to share? If so, please feel free to get in touch.
Thanks very much for dropping by and best wishes to you.