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Missing the moon

P C Usher

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

As time passes on, we find out more and more about the moon. But are we missing something too?

Through time the moon has been revered by many cultures as having the ability to influence those on Earth.

'Hogwarts' or 'Hogwash' ?

Scientific versus Mythic.

Let's explore!

Seeing is believing

I am often intrigued when I look up at the moon. I sometimes ponder on how many creatures, over time, on this planet, have gazed up at it.

For me it raises a question.

What were they thinking?

As well as...

Have these thoughts changed, or do we just keep them to ourselves?

This is something I would like to explore by comparing some of the facts and beliefs in relation to how that big ball of cheese affects us down here on planet Earth.

So what do we know?

The scientific

  • the moon affects the tides

  • for many animals, particularly birds, the moon is essential in navigation and migration

  • some animals time their reproduction to coincide with the specific phases of the lunar cycle

The tides

These are caused by the gravitational pull exerted by the moon and the earth upon each other. The oceans on the side nearest to the moon and furthest away from the moon bulge out to create high tides. Low tides occur at the low points. Rising and ebbing tides are caused as the Earth’s landmasses rotate through the tidal bulges.

Navigation and migration

A 2019 scientific study undertaken by researchers at Lund University in Sweden showed that the presence or absence of moonlight influences when migratory birds take flight in the Autumn. They charted the activity of 39 European nightjars that migrated from Europe to sub-Saharan Africa. They were surprised to find that the birds’ departure consistently took place at around ten to eleven days after the full moon.


The mass spawning of the Great Barrier Reef can be seen from space. Billions of coral polyps release their eggs and sperm into the sea. The lunar cycle is a trigger for this event and the spawning always occurs between October and December just after the full moon.

Some other views...

The mythical

  • the moon affects fertility

  • the full moon affects our moods

  • the moon affects us astrologically

  • the moon can affect magic


There has been debate as to whether lunar cycles influence fertility.

Ancient cultures certainly seemed to think so.

This is because the average length of women’s menstrual cycles matches the moon’s 29.5 day waxing and waning cycle.

Such opinions have largely been dismissed as myths by the scientific community.

On January 27th 2021, a long-term study was published in Science Advances .

The researchers found that for some women, their periods synced with lunar light and gravity cycles at certain times in their lives.

This information by no means settled the debate but it did illustrate that more research is necessary.

Full moon moods

Werewolves are not something that I will be touching on here, but I am drawn to the word ‘lunatic.’ The word stems from the idea that changes in mental state were related to lunar cycles.

This idea that the moon affects moods can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome and is documented in the work of classical author Aristotle.

However, the prevailing view amongst scientists today is that there is no definitive evidence to support such beliefs.

In a study undertaken by Francis, Kopke, Affatato and Jarski titled ‘Psychiatric Presentations During All 4 Phases of the Lunar Cycle’ it was concluded that ‘the lunar cycle did not have an effect on the incidence of psychiatric presentations.’

The authors of the study were keen to provide such data as they were aware that anecdotal evidence concerning a relationship between illnesses and a full moon is frequently claimed by as many as 81% of mental health workers.

Astrological moon

To be honest. I do tend to believe in the idea of astrology.

Part of my morning routine is to check a few websites to see how my day might pan out.

I have visited astrologers in the past and see it as a useful tool.

In fact, it was still held in high esteem by many scientists up until the beginning of the 17th century. However, there was a change in attitude by the latter half of that century and the concept of astrology was largely dismissed.

The majority of scientists now hold true to that belief but it is not a view shared by everyone.

In 2021 the global Astrology Market Size was valued at $12.8 billion and is projected to reach $22.8 billion by 2031.

Astrologers take the moon seriously, along with other planets and solar bodies.

Did you know you have a moon sign as well as a sun sign?

Knowing my moon sign has certainly helped me to understand some of my own personality traits. Discovering who we really are is an important, if not the most important, part of our spiritual journey.

It is the key to personal sovereignty and a break from conditioning.

If you are interested in such things click here.

Magical moon

For those who work magically with the moon there is an emphasis on two phases.

The new moon and the full moon.

New moon rituals often involve setting intentions for that which one wishes to manifest.

Full moon rituals can involve celebrating what has become.

It is better not to envision a scene where witches and wizards are waving wands and staffs around as bolts of lightning fill the air.

That is not what the 80,000 plus pagans in the UK are doing.

Pagan basically means pre-Christian, for the purposes I am referring to.

Many pagan practices and beliefs have been associated with magic and the cycles of the moon.

I would also stress that we must be careful in how we define magic as this is open to debate.

So is it a man or a woman, up there in the moon?

I remember looking for the ‘man in the moon’ when I was a child, usually when the moon was in crescent shape.

I found him a few times.

However, as I got older and drawn towards spiritual matters , I realised that the moon is feminine. This has been the case for most cultures through history and it relates to a point I made earlier regarding the female menstrual cycle.

Pagan societies had both male and female deities.

The sun was often seen as male and the moon as female.

To me this makes sense.

Examples of female moon deities are Selene, Mani, Arianrhod, Artemis and Luna.

Are we missing the mystery?

'I saw a moon

But it was too soon

Big and full in the sky

I couldn’t help but ask why?

She raises so many questions

That’s what the moon does to me

So, I ask her for answers

I hope one day she will give them to me’


She certainly does raise many questions.

To me that sums up the beauty and mystery of the moon as I’m sure it has for many over time.

Maybe for you too.

As I stated earlier there are many facts that we do know about the moon but there are also aspects that are still being researched. Were the ancients wrong in the beliefs they held regarding the effects of the moon?

Or did they know things that we don’t? As I have stated in other blogs, scientific proof of something can limit the way we look at things.

Sometimes there may be mythic aspects that work in a different way.

There is an openness to interpretation and experience in such cases, which I believe is important.

We are all individuals and that must be embraced.

So, for me, personally, I will continue to make a new moon wish when the need takes me.

I will continue to respect the feminine and give thanks.

I will continue to check out relevant transits in my astrological chart and I will continue to observe how the full moon affects my moods.

Lastly, and not least, I will continue to be inspired by the mystical, magical and mesmerising properties that our Lady Luna possesses.

This has been the case for those who came before, as it will be the same for those who come after.

I thank you most kindly for reading.

If you would like to add anything to what I have discussed, please feel free to add a comment or get in touch via the contact page.

Thanks again and the best of wishes to you


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